I had heard a lot about this during Oscar season and was intrigued by the idea that it was originally a stage play; and not only that, but the actors in the film are the same who portrayed Frost and Nixon on stage. I must say, they certainly knew these characters, both of whom I realized quickly I knew very little about. Obviously I knew the gist of the Nixon scandal, but knew very little about what came before and, more importantly (for the film), after Richard Nixon left office.
I thought the story was compelling, the acting was top notch, and the film moved along at a pretty good pace. The supporting cast, which consisted of (among others) Kevin Bacon and Oliver Plath were also, I would say, top notch. I found it funny, intriguing, mesmerizing....everything you want from a self-imposed exile movie weekend!
I highly recommend this to all of you - and that's saying something! I just talked to dad tonight as he and mom were about to pop it into the dvd player, so I'll be curious to hear their thoughts. But, for my money and time, this is certainly worth your while. Enjoy!