After a lifetime of dreaming of traveling the world, 78-year-old homebody Carl (voiced by Ed Asner) flies away on an unbelievable adventure, with Russell, an 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer (Jordan Nagai), unexpectedly in tow. Together, the unlikely pair embarks on a thrilling odyssey full of jungle beasts and rough terrain. Other voices in the Golden Globe-winning film include the renowned Christopher Plummer and Pixar stalwart John Ratzenberger.
This is one of the best animated films I've ever seen. The setup in the first 15-20 minutes about his youth, romance, and current situation was very well done and brought tears to my eyes. The adventure itself moved along and was at times exciting. I almost wonder if it would be too much for really young viewers, given the excellence of the animation and the degree you care about the characters and their plight. I think adults will enjoy this more than kids but the kids should like it. The talking dogs steal the show.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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